The ICI's primary aim is to enhance CBRNE risk mitigation at the regional, national and international levels.
Sharing Knowledge and Expertise
The ICI's primary aim is to enhance CBRNE risk mitigation at the regional, national and international levels.
Sharing Knowledge and Expertise
ICI Belgium
The ICI’s primary aim is to enhance CBRNE risk mitigation at regional, national and international levels, in particular through its two Knowledge Centres (CBRN & E). The ICI engages in a wide range of CBRNE-related activities including developing and supporting academic and policy-related research, organising conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as professional development programmes for responders by means of courses and master classes.
Knowledge centres
The ICI unique Knowledge Centres address topics from crisis/consequence management to scientific issues, emergency planning, or technological challenges and development.
High-level professionals
KC members are very high-level professionals from all backgrounds (international organizations, armed forces, first responder community, scientists, equipment providers, etc.) ready to assist, inform and advise on best practices about CBRNE matters.
At the forefront
The ICI collaborates with other partners such as institutional, academic and corporate bodies and aims to be at the forefront of CBRNE-related activities, from policy to practical application
Comments Off on Création du Centre Européen de Formation Pratique Multidisciplinaire – CEFPM European Center for Multidisciplinary Practical Training – ECMPT
L ‘ICI participe à la création d’ un nouveau centre Européen de formation pratique multidisciplinaire en collaboration avec la zone de secours Val de Sambre et le Conseil Européen de médecine de catastrophe
La priorité de ce centre sera axée sur la pratique, sous forme de simulation en situation réelle ou de gestion de crise sous un modèle informatique. Ces