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Risky Interventions and Environmental SurveillancE – 2017 Topics: Counter Terroristic Technology

Several key documents define the strategy of the European Union against terrorist activities. The European Counter-Terrorism Strategy (2005) and the EU Internal Security Strategy in Action (2010) are among the most important and they have been complemented by the EU Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection (2006). They all organise a coordinated response to the terrorist threat around four keywords: Prevent, Protect, Pursue and Respond. These four pillars will be considered in the particular context of the provision of assistance through technology generically and, robotic systems in particular. According to their specific objectives, three partners decided to get their expertise through this first international workshop

8th IARP WS RISE 2017 Mine Actions and Counter Terrorism technologies definitif



8th IARP WS RISE’2017


18-19 May 2017

Les Bons Villers (CHARLEROI) Belgium

SEUROD ( http://www.seurod.eu/)

CLAWAR ( https://clawar.org/)

IARP (http://iarp.isir.upmc.fr/)

UVS (www.uvs-info.org)