Dear Colleagues,
The IMEKO TC 17 (Robotics Control and Measurements- MCR) ( – intends to create sub-committees for developing workshops, seminars, for consolidating the annual International Symposia ISMCR, for promoting peer-reviewed publications on ACTA IIMEKO, for proposing projects, etc.
The future events of the TC17 are:
- The IMEKO Congress in Yokohama (30 Aug-03 Sep) :
- The ISMCR’2022 in Brasil
The proposed sub-committees are given in the enclosed Exell file.
Their composition and activities will be published on the TC17 Website, on the ICI Website (
May I ask you to join a sub-committee by filling the Exell file (on this ICI Website) and send this back to me as soon as possible: TC17-Technical Subcommittees Copie de TC17-Technical Operations
By the way, I invite you to the IMEKO Congress TC17 Session VRISE’2021. The modalities of participation will be defined as soon as possible. CALL enclosed too.
Best regards